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Little Unknown

I am known to this world,
I know what I am doing to being myself,
To stand tall to this world.
I know who am I am.
Do i really know?

I am working for myself daily,
Thinking I seen this world,
Deciding what seems right to my eyes,
Pretending I just know the surrounding the world.

Going anywhere I want, not listening to anyone,
Thinking I am known to this world,
Did what I think it’s right for me,
Roam when I wanted to, run when I wanted to, sleep when I wanted to and lift my life when I wanted to.
Do I really know this world so well?

Pretending I become the king or queen to this world
Until I was hit by a Storm,
That put me and my life in the corner of a room in this world
Darkness is the only thing with whom I spoke,
Sadness was the only thing with whom I live
And loneliness was the only thing that become my best friend.
I am unknown to this world.

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