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Sunday Smiles

Our autism journey

My baby is turning into a little boy and I’m amazed every day by him. Owen crawled into bed with me about six. His hair in complete sleep mode, and in desperate need of a haircut. I cut his hair myself, sometimes taking weeks to do his whole head. Snipping pieces off here and there as the days wear on. He’s getting so much better at it now. I still have to catch him at the right moment, but I give him lots of warning. It helps to ease his mind. I’ve thought about letting his hair grow. He loves mine long, but I really think it is because that’s all he knows. My picture in his mind has long hair. It’s still a constant struggle with us. He wants to eat my hair. He runs it through his mouth. He has done this since he was a baby. I’ve tried everything that I can think of or a Doctor has advised me to do and nothing has stopped the behavior. He doesn’t want my hair in a hat or pulled back, he wants it where he can see it. Owen’s words are forming and the connections are being made, so this gives me hope that my words will sink in that he can’t eat my hair. Sometimes I feel like I’m floating without any safety device. I swore I put a parachute on, but as soon as they pushed me out of the plane there was nothing there. I want to do everything to help my son; sometimes that means giving him a bigger hug and telling him I love him, because I don’t know the answers. The answers will come, the hugs will still get bigger, and the love grows stronger every day. That’s what’s important, the love. I believe in Owen. I believe that he will do great things, because he already has. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and find your strength to keep pushing forward. No day has to be ordinary if you add a little extra to it. Have an extraordinary day. Smiles to all and donut daze!

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